A powerful symbol of hope and inspiration

Caring for Others, Inspiration

In an act of remarkable generosity and support for these causes, Chris Bertish has gifted over 60 copies of his books “ALL IN!” and “Stoked” to these organizations. This gesture is not just a donation of resources, but a powerful symbol of hope and inspiration, aligning with the missions of Surfers Not Street Children and the 9 Miles Project to create positive change in the lives of young people.

Surfers Not Street Children, a unique organization, combines the therapeutic aspects of surfing with mentorship and care, transforming the lives of street children and children at risk of becoming street children in South Africa and Mozambique.

The 9 Miles Project is a community-based nonprofit organization based in Cape Town. Established in 2013, it uses surfing as a medium to engage, empower, and provide mentorship and holistic support to at-risk children and youth in coastal communities of South Africa.